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Creating, Editing, and Deleting Requests

Creating a Request via the Adaptive Form

Requests can be created using the adaptive form. This form can be distributed through your website, emails, via QR code, or whichever method suits your organisation.

  1. Navigate to Support > Request form
  2. Fill in the details as described in the form
  3. Press Submit

Creating a Request via Explorer

Alternatively, you may want to create a request using Explorer. This could be a more useful way for internal employees with access to the Rapid system to create requests.

  1. Navigate to Support > Requests

Alt text

  1. Click on New Request

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  1. Enter all relevant details
  2. Click on Create


The original request fields are set to read-only. However, it is possible to edit the fields that pertain to managing and fulfilling the request. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Support > Requests

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  1. Locate the request you wish to edit, either by scrolling through the list or using the search bar.

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  1. Click on the request title to open it.
  2. Edit any relevant fields on the policy page as needed.
  3. Once you have finished editing, click on Save.


It is not recommended to delete a request. Instead, change its status to "Cancelled".

An image depicting how to change the status of a support request. Under "Request Management Details", there is a choice field titled "Status". The status of "Cancelled" can be selected from this field. Changing the status of a support request is usually preferable to deleting a support request.

Please note that changing the status will send an email to the original requester.

If you need to delete a request (due to incorrect data entry or a duplicate entry), you can do so in two ways: from the list or from the item page. Deleting from the list allows you to delete multiple assets at once.

Deleting Multiple Items from the Request List

  1. Navigate to Support > Requests

  2. Select the requests you wish to delete.

An image depicting how to select multiple support items. When you select multiple items, a tick appears beside the selected items.

  1. Click on the Delete button.

An image depicting how to delete multiple support items. After you have selected multiple items, the delete button will appear. The delete button is red, and has an icon of a trash can. If you have selected X requests to delete, the delete button will display the following text: "Delete X Requests".

Deleting a Single from the Request Item Page

  1. Navigate to Support > Requests

  2. Open the individual request you wish to delete.

  3. Click on the Delete button.

An image depicting how to delete a support item. When the support item is open, a red "Delete" button will be visible at the top of the support item's action bar. It is usually better to change the status of a Support Request to "cancelled", instead of deleting the support request.